Today is the Vernal Equinox. It is also a supermoon. And a total solar eclipse. It's a triple whammy of celestial events, capping off a week of turbulent space weather and challenging transits. If you're feeling overwhelmed and enervated you're not alone. I'm hearing widespread reports of disrupted sleep cycles, intense dream activity, and erratic energy levels and I am not exempt from any of the above.
According to some skywatchers, this eclipse signals the apocalypse.
The connection between Friday’s eclipse and the end of the world comes partly from the “Blood Moon Prophecy”. That refers to the theory that a tetrad — four consecutive lunar eclipses, with six full moons between them — is a sign that the world is coming to an end.
Those that believe in the prophecy see it partly borne out by the Book of Joel, which says that “the sun will turn into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes”. That has been connected to the phenomenon of the blood moon— the phenomenon where the moon turns copper red as it passes under the Earth’s shadow.
March’s solar eclipse have been connected by some to the series of lunar ones that are seen as harbingers of the end times. This solar eclipse sits in the middle of the tetrad, and is seen as another signal that signs are appearing in the sky.
That may be overstating it, but it sure does feel dramatic. This week also saw an astrological transit that signals tension and upheaval.
Uranus square Pluto is the most significant and most challenging planetary influence in a generation. These planets came together in the mid-sixties and will oppose each other from 2045. There are seven exact Uranus Pluto squares between June 2012 and 2015. So, we are living through a major generational upheaval. The focus is on evolutionary change.
Uranus represents change, invention, revolution, and higher awareness. It’s effect is shocking, unpredictable, and erratic. Pluto represents globalization, destruction, transformation, and renewal. It’s effect is grinding, ruthless, and extreme. Both of these planets are distinctly non-personal and emotionless, yet their effect is dramatic and deeply felt. The square is the most challenging of the planetary aspects, representing tests and challenges. It’s effect is stressful and frustrating.
And, for good measure, we've also been treated to massive solar flare activity, which has disrupted radio signals and created widespread and beautiful auroras. It may also be taking a toll on our bodies and psyches.
Last week on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 the Sun blasted us with a direct hit from a powerful solar flare that wiped out a huge amount of radio communication, according to NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center. Mike Wall of writes: “The Wednesday flare registered as an X2.2 sun storm on the scale used to measure solar tempests. Scientists classify strong solar flares into three categories: C, M and X, with C being the weakest, M being mid-level and X the strongest. X flares are 10 times more powerful than M flares. X2 and X3 flares are twice and three times as potent, respectively, as X1 flares.”
And just a few hours ago NOAA reported that Earth is currently being slammed by the grandaddy of all solar storms — a monster X4-class storm — the biggest of all. “An X4 (Severe) geomagnetic storm was observed today at 9:58 am EDT. This is the response to a pair of CMEs observed leaving the Sun [two days prior] on 15 March.”
Today’s monster geomagnetic storm, and the explosion of solar flares and coronal mass ejections over the past week, have been wreaking havoc on people’s moods, sleeping patterns, and a host of other human health effects. Many people are experiencing disturbances with their circadian rhythms, waking up around 2am and having trouble getting back to sleep. “Solar storms desynchronize our circadian rhythm (biological clock). The pineal gland in our brain is affected by the electromagnetic activity, and [solar storms cause] the gland to produce excess melatonin, the brain’s built in ‘downer’ that helps us sleep. ‘The circadian regulatory system depends on repeated environmental cues to [synchronize] internal clocks,’ says psychiatrist Kelly Posner, Columbia University. ‘Magnetic fields may be one of these environmental cues.’ ”
So, to recap, the forecast is turbulent and sleep deprived with a chance of apocalypse. Recommending high levels of self-care and nurturing with a focus on hydration.
That's as much as I have to say on the matter. I'm wiped.
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